New Law Will Make Ev Chargers Mandatory In New Build Homes And Offices

In a recent announcement by Rachel MacLean, Transport Minister at Department of Transport, it has become apparent that all new build homes and offices in England will require an electric vehicle charger to be fitted as mandatory.

In a recent announcement by Rachel MacLean, Transport Minister at Department of Transport, it has become apparent that all new build homes and offices in England will require an electric vehicle charger to be fitted as mandatory.

James Cowan, Webasto European Head of Sales for Electric Vehicle Charging and E-Mobility Services, offers his thoughts on this game-changing legislation and how Webasto is already ahead of the game.

It came as no surprise really that this new legislation will be passed; to meet the 2030 targets when all new ICE vehicles will cease to be manufactured and 2035 when hybrids will become obsolete, the charging infrastructure had to become more robust. What is more surprising, but necessary, is the fact that this may come into place as early as 2022.

To meet 2030 climate targets EV installation rates will need to reach a minimum of 35,000 each year* - targeting new build homes and offices will without a doubt make a significant difference. It must be remembered that over a third of households have no off-street parking though so workplace and on street charging is also crucial to meet these ambitious targets.

Pleasingly, the Government has displayed the vision to futureproof the way that these new homes and office installations are carried out. It has specified that all chargers installed after the new law comes into being should be smart chargers; that is, that they will automatically charge vehicles during off peak periods, helping to prevent an overloading of the electricity network.

By choosing chargers and charging solutions that support this safely and efficiently, great headway can be made in protecting supply and ensuring sufficient and suitable charging facilities are available when drivers really need them.

Smooth Transition

Additional good news is that there is much more support available to ensure a smooth transition from a country operating pre-dominantly ICE fuel vehicles to one that has tipped the scales to EVs.

To ensure full consumer engagement is achieved, having a home charger fitted must be easy and cost effective and other charging mechanisms must be equally easy to use, pay for and not be too expensive. With it being much cheaper to charge at home than at a workplace (if not complimentary) or public facility charging, at home really does need to be the first line of installation uplift to encourage people to make the switch, negate range anxiety and allow them to continue to enjoy the flexibility that driving a fossil fuel vehicle currently gives them. Rolling out this new legislation will go some way to achieving that.

To support this our robust and easy to operate chargers are easily fitted in domestic and commercial settings overcoming the operational challenges faced with new technology. And, to assist homeowners with the cost of installing home charging points, the OZEV grant from the Government goes some way to covering the cost associated with the installation.

In a complete juxtaposition to home charging, last year saw the first EV forecourt charging facility open offering refreshments, gym and wellbeing space. Now, over £1 billion is set to be invested in a further 100 of these facilities in the next five years giving motorists, when away from the home, even greater flexibility.

At Webasto we welcome this latest shift in legislation and believe that it is essential to help the Government in meeting the 2030, 2035 and 2050 targets that they have outlined.

Leading the way

With an understanding of what is needed in the UK to enable targets to be achieved, Webasto has, for some time, been encouraging housebuilders and developers to lead the way with the provision of home and office charging points, installed at the time of construction. One success story is developer based in South Yorkshire, who towards the end of last year, made the commitment that all occupants of their new build homes and commercial properties would be offered smart chargers ensuring residents had a home that was truly fit for the future in terms of energy efficiency and vehicle ownership.

To make it much easier for developers and contractors to be able to access our products and services, Webasto has also launched this dedicated website to provide specific information. As Webasto has the means and expertise to supply market leading EV charging solutions to housing developers and new home customers alike it means that our team of EV experts can help with meeting planning regulations and growing customer demand to ensure installation and financial efficiencies are met.

Ongoing Support

We feel it is our duty to continue the development of products that will make EV charging in all scenarios as easy, safe, and cost efficient as possible and support housebuilders and developers to support their transition into providing technologies for the future. We’re here to help you do what’s necessary.

Please be aware that there will be separate legislation for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland that may differ. *